Everyone wants to earn some extra cash for their well-being. There are several side-business doors that have been opened with technological advancement. The business to sell feet pictures is among the top online jobs that have become famous with the growing technology.

In Germany, there are uncountable people who are earning thousands of dollars by selling their feet pics. The best part about this earning is that it is among the easiest methods to earn some extra cash.

If you are interested in selling your feet pics and do not know what you should do for it, you must invest your valuable time in reading this article. In this article, we will delve into the in-depth guide to sell feet pics in Germany. At the end of this article, we will also suggest the best place to sell feet pics in Germany.

So, without further delay in our journey of guide to sell your feet pics, let us get begin.

Can you legally sell feet pics in Germany?

Indeed, selling your feet pictures is considered a profitable method to earn money. But everything in this world has two sides: pros and cons. Similarly, there are Pros and cons of selling feet pics.

The list of pros for selling feet pics is very long. However, there are a few cons for selling your feet pics. The very weird thing about the cons of feet pics is that several cons of this earning method are rumors.

The popular rumor about selling your feet pics is that this earning method is illegal globally. You might feel tense after reading this. But the truth behind this rumor is the opposite.

Selling your feet pictures is completely legal in most countries, including Germany. However, you must follow some rules and regulations to legally sell your feet pictures in Germany.

Below are the most common legal rules that you should follow to sell your feet pics:

  • You should remain within state jurisdiction.
  • Your legal age must be 18 or more than 18.
  • You should have the copyright of the feet pics or videos.
  • You should not include any kind of sexual content within your feet pics or videos.
  • You should pay a certain amount of earnings to the government as an income tax.

If you want to sell your feet pics in a legal manner, you should stick to these rules. However, some of these rules might be outdated. It would be great to consult a lawyer to know about the legal rules about sell feet pics in Germany.

Who Buys Feet Pictures In Germany?

If you are a beginner in the field to sell feet pics in Germany, you might think that selling your feet pics is not a profitable method of earning because no one wants to invest in your feet pics.

You might be mistaken this time. There are uncountable people who are willing to spend thousands of dollars in purchasing your feet pics. However, there is another rumor that people with feet fetish only want feet pics. Again, this rumor is also a big lie.

Apart from the feet fetish industry, Foot pictures are also in huge demand by businesses who want to use them to promote products or services. The demand for foot pictures is also high in media and on several websites.

The following is the list of business categories whose owners are eager to spend dollars to purchase your feet pics:

  • Travel and tourism
  • Sports
  • Jewelry
  • Beauty
  • Footwear
  • Healthcare
  • Fashion
  • Wellness
  • Exercise

Apart from product-based businesses, the demand for feet pictures is also higher in the following industries:

  • Stock photography websites
  • Media companies
  • Ad agencies
  • Modelling agencies
  • Bloggers
  • Production companies
  • Designers

If you do not want to sell your feet pics to people with feet fetish, you can reach other potential clients that belong to any of the mentioned-above industries.

How To Sell Your Feet Pics In Germany?

Numerous people are earning thousands of dollars by selling their feet pics. But Several people failed in this earning because they did not follow the right approach to sell feet pics in Germany. If you want to become successful in this field, you must follow the following steps:

1. Choose a Reputable Platform

If you want to sell feet pics in Germany, you must find a reputable platform. There are several platforms, like FeetFinder, where you can sell your feet pics. However, you can sell them on your personal website. But this option might not be the best option due to the following reasons:

  • You have to purchase hosting and domains.
  • You have to drive traffic to your personal website.
  • You have to handle all your transactions yourself.
  • Last but not least, there is a high probability of potential scams on selling your feet pics on your personal website.

In contrast, choosing a reputable platform will provide you with uncountable benefits. The best part about these platforms is that they can give you access to a large pool of buyers. Moreover, they are considered the safest place to sell your feet pics.

We are sure you might be wondering about which is the best platform to sell your feet pictures. As we said above, we will reveal the best platform at the end of this article, so keep reading.

2. Find your Niche

You might be thinking that there are only feet pics that your potential buyers will purchase. But you are mistaken here because there are uncountable niches of feet pics in this industry.

So, after choosing a reliable platform to sell feet pics in Germany, you must explore the types of feet pics poses that are viral. You should find a popular niche in the feet-based industry and upload your feet pics according to the same niche. Remember, you should avoid uploading random feet pictures on your preferred feet-based platform.

3. Take High-Quality Foot Pics

After finding the reliable niche of feet pics, you should start taking high-quality feet pictures to sell them to your potential clients. It would be great to learn basic photography skills to take high-quality foot pictures.

The smartphone camera would be enough to take high-quality feet pics. But it would be great to invest in a high-resolution camera to click detailed images of your feet. Below are the top steps that you should follow to take feet pics:

  • Click numerous foot photos.
  • Get up the correct lighting.
  • Choose the right background.
  • Remember composition and styling.
  • Experiment with props.
  • Edit your photos without overdoing them.

4. Price your Feet Pictures

Once you have taken feet pics to sell feet pics in Germany, you must think about how you will piece your feet pics. Choosing the right pricing strategy might be the most complicated task.

If you price your feet pics too high, you discourage potential buyers. In contrast, pricing feet pics too low will undervalue your effort. Below are the top things to consider when pricing your feet pictures:

  • Value of your feet pictures
  • Demand and market trends
  • Experience and reputation

5. Communicate with the Buyers

At last, you should wait for your potential buyer’s message. Remember, you should not give up on waiting for your potential buyers. It would be best to check your account at least 3 times a day.

Moreover, you should respond to your potential buyers as fast as possible. Remember to be professional and friendly while communicating with your potential buyers.

Best Place To Sell Feet Pictures In Germany

Feetfinder is the best place or platform to sell feet pics in Germany. It is a platform that has gained numerous positive FeetFinder seller reviews of 4.9/5 from 5,000 reviewers. The platform has a large base of buyers looking to purchase your feet pics at your desired price.

Feetfinder also charges a reasonable seller fee of $4.99 per month. However, these fees will be cost approx. $1.25 per month if you choose a yearly plan. This fee ensures lower competition for sellers who want to sell their feet pics on this platform.

Feetfinder also cut a 20% commission on the earnings of its sellers. However, this commission rate is similar to the commission rate of the feet-based platform. This fact is leading to a few negative FeetFinder reviews.

Besides these commission rates, FeetFinder is gaining more positive reviews due to its benefits. The platform also comes with PCI compliance that ensures top-notch data security. Moreover, it allows sellers to sell their feet pics anonymously. FeetFinder verifies their buyers and sellers IDs to ensure a scam-free environment. These two features make FeetFinder the best place to sell feet pics without getting scammed.

The good thing about FeetFinder does not end here. The platform also provides you with FeetFinder hacks to make your feet pic selling journey smooth. All these factors make FeetFinder the best sell feet pics app.


Selling feet pics is among the best and easiest ways to earn money online. The demand for these pics is higher in several industries throughout the world. However, you must follow the right approach to sell feet pics in Germany. We hope our guide will help you kick-start your feet pics selling career.